270: How to find deeper purpose in life – with Dan Millman (part two – all-star)
December 16, 2022

Earlier this week, we shared part one of this conversation, all about how to find deeper purpose in life. And I feel like all of it is so divinely timed. This entire month, we’ve been simplifying topics in and around this realm to find clarity on the year ahead. From creating a vision board to visualizing a new path for your life ahead, my hope is that my conversation with Dan Millman has dropped down a few new seeds of inspiration as you uncover your deeper purpose in life today and beyond.

Now, if you haven’t heard part one, go back and listen to that one first. But if you’re ready to continue on, let’s pick back up here with my conversation with author Dan Millman as he simplifies how to find deeper purpose in life.

It’s time to simplify…

Here’s how.

My special guest today is Dan Millman and he’s simplifying how to find deeper purpose in life.

We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

Just a quick bit of love to you, our listeners at The Simplifiers Podcast!

When you hear an episode like today’s on the podcast that potentially stirs up a new idea in your heart, talk about it with someone else.

Maybe you’re thinking about making your own jump, like taking a great big leap in your career, your relationships or how you structure your calendar… I just want to encourage you to talk about it with someone else. Choose someone you trust who you know will give you wise counsel.

Gain their insight and don’t be afraid to say, “hey, I heard this thing on The Simplifiers Podcast… I’m thinking about doing something BIG – what do you think?” Spark a conversation – you might be surprised with what you learn. This is how we all grow and evolve.

Q: Are you ready to find your deeper purpose in life? If yes, this one is for you.

It’s time to #DoTheThing!

What’s catching my eye this week

My challenge for you this week

How are you going to take what you’ve learned in today’s episode and to help you find your deeper purpose in life? What’s one thing you’ll do differently? Share it with me, privately or publicly. Snap a photo of you doing the thing, and tag @thesimplifiers on Instagram for added accountability and support!

Links, books and apps mentioned

Book: Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit: The True Story of My Spiritual Quest – Dan Millman

Book: The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World – Dan Millman

Book: Humankind: A Hopeful History – Rutger Bregman

Book: Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up – Patricia Ryan Madson

App: The Life Purpose Calculator – discover how to make the most of this current year – Dan Millman

Podcast: How to overcome obstacles + face your fears, featuring Koya Webb – The Simplifiers Podcast

Podcast: How to squash your limiting self-beliefs – The Simplifiers Podcast