348: How to leverage better data to improve recruitment - with Neil Costa
May 28, 2024

We are talking all about data analytics today, specifically for recruiters who work in talent acquisition. You see, the word on the streets is that many talent acquisition teams were downsized last year, yet the workload hasn’t reduced. What if how you tap into your data could help you attract top talent and help you fill more roles, faster?

My special guest today is CEO of HireClix, Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment. In the world of recruitment marketing, it’s all about filling the pipeline with the very best talent and driving better brand awareness to achieve your business goals.

Here’s how.

My special guest today is Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment.

We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

Q: Are you ready to learn how to leverage better data to improve recruitment? If yes, this one is for you.

It’s time to #DoTheThing!


<What’s catching my eye this week>


My challenge for you this week:

How are you going to take what you’ve learned in today’s episode and take action to leverage better data to improve your recruitment strategies this week? What’s one thing you’ll do differently? Share it with me, privately or publicly. Snap a photo of you doing the thing, and send me a DM over on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/thesimplifiers) for added accountability and support!

Links, books and apps mentioned:

Resource: Find Neil Costa on LinkedIn - click here

Book: Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl

Podcast: How to find + recruit great talent, featuring Kelly Simants - The Simplifiers Podcast

Podcast: How to squash your limiting self-beliefs - The Simplifiers Podcast

Get Unstuck with The Simplifiers Morning Prompts

We’ve got a free resource we’d love to share with you!

Now more than ever, I’m finding 7-minutes of journaling is helping me calm my mind and get centered every morning.

So, start your day off right, download The Simplifiers Morning Prompts.

It’s a free daily worksheet that helps you laser-focus on what needs to get done today, what could trip you up and how you’re going to stay on track. 5 questions, 7 minutes… this worksheet will help you SIMPLIFY!


About Neil Costa:

Neil Costa - He is the Founder & CEO of HireClix, has twenty years of experience in Digital Marketing/E-Commerce/Recruitment Marketing businesses with success in marketing, strategic alliances,sales, and business development. He has a strong depth of knowledge when it comes to managing marketing return on investment (ROI) for clients.  

Neil has extensive experience in customer facing roles in the talent acquisition industry where he learns clients' challenges and works to build a strategic plan, customized for challenges and business goals.  He often engages in public speaking about recruitment marketing, recruiting analytics and building an employer brand. Neil’s expertise includes, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, recruitment marketing, strategic partnerships, P&L management, and building brands.


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Where Neil hangs out online:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neilcosta/  

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hireclix

Website: https://www.hireclix.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hireclix

Neil’s vote for the perfect guest on The Simplifiers Podcast:

Susan Collins - She is a Talent Strategist and Corporate Careerist turned Growth and Global Leadership Coach and founder of The Network Concierge. With over 20 years of talent acquisition leadership experience, she had a front row seat to watching careers rise and fall. She is passionate about women exploring their options, opportunities and advancement.

When she is not coaching, she consults small and large companies on recruiting best practices, technology and process. She believes your network is an essential tool in your career toolbox and takes every opportunity to help people make new connections.