Is there a whisper on your heart that is sparking you to reimagine your career path right now? Quite possibly, it’s wooing you to head in a different direction and make a career shift. Well, if that’s you, listen on.
My all-star special guest today is Misha Rubin and he’s simplifying how to reimagine your career path as the world reopens. If you’re feeling a bit stuck or stagnant in your current work… or faced with a fork in the road (should I stay or should I go), I know for a fact that “stuck-ness” can feel incredibly debilitating. The confusion, the stress, the worry - all of it is exhausting. So, if you’re in this space right now or curious if there’s something better for you out there, Misha helps to simplify it all down for you.
Here’s how.
My all-star special guest today is Misha Rubin and he’s simplifying how to reimagine your career path.
We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:
- How to define “meaningful, fulfilling work” in this day in age, post pandemic
- What 3 questions you must ask yourself when it comes to finding new opportunities that are within your grasp right nowsome text
- Where do I look for them?
- How do I recognize them?
- And how come I’m not pursuing them?
- If you’re considering a career leap, how to decide where and what to leap to next, no matter if it’s the decision to close/open a business, enter/exit corporate job or something else
- What the 4 pillars of ‘The Career Leap’ method are and how it all workssome text
- Knowing (your) self
- Dismantling disempowering beliefs
- Having impactful communication, and
- Taking intentional actions
- …and ultimately, how to dismantle our disempowering beliefs of what’s possible next for your career and life ahead.
Misha talks about the fact that we are living in unprecedented times right now. The quarantine made remote work acceptable by most employers. There are very few geographic limitations in place, which means if you live in Tucson, you could now very easily work remotely for a New York-based company and get paid at New York level wages. Businesses are transforming and society is shifting in massive ways. And he puts forth that “there’s never been an easier time than now to start a business.”
So I hope that today’s conversation is a bit of a Divine Nudge for you to expand your perspective just a wee bit… and realized that it’s entirely possible you have no idea just how much is possible, in your work and in your life. And let that thought be a blessing for you in the week ahead.
Q: Are you ready to reimagine your career path ahead? If yes, this one is for you.
It’s time to #DoTheThing!
<What’s catching my eye this week>
- How to make tough career decisions - 80,000 Hours
- 50 powerful questions to help you reflect - The Institute of You
My challenge for you this week:
How are you going to take what you’ve learned in today’s episode and reimagine your career path this week? What’s one thing you’ll do differently? Share it with me, privately or publicly. Snap a photo of you doing the thing, and tag @thesimplifiers on Instagram for added accountability and support!
Links, books and apps mentioned:
Freebie: a free 3-day mini-course to help you dismantle your disempowering beliefs - Career Crackathon
Book: The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection - Michael A. Singer
Podcast: How to stand out on LinkedIn, featuring Haley ONeill - The Simplifiers Podcast
Podcast: How to choose what’s right for you (guided visualization - ALL-STAR) - The Simplifiers Podcast
Get Unstuck with The Simplifiers Morning Prompts
We’ve got a free resource we’d love to share with you!
Now more than ever, I’m finding 7-minutes of journaling is helping me calm my mind and get centered every morning.
So, start your day off right, download The Simplifiers Morning Prompts.
It’s a free daily worksheet that helps you laser-focus on what needs to get done today, what could trip you up and how you’re going to stay on track. 5 questions, 7 minutes… this worksheet will help you SIMPLIFY!
About Misha Rubin
Misha Rubin - He is an entrepreneur and career educator… and until recently, he was a Partner at Ernst & Young, where he spent 15 years managing hundred-million-dollars worth of projects, advised a countless number of clients and guided hundreds of careers.
His corporate experience, personal quest for meaning and fulfillment, and rigorous study, birthed The Career Leap method - a pragmatic, elevating and actionable process designed for people to obtain clarity about their next career moves.
Where Misha hangs out online:
Website: misharubin.com
Website: thecareerleap.com
Facebook: @thecareerleap
Linkedin: @misharubin
Misha’s vote for the perfect guest on The Simplifiers Podcast:
Kian - Based in Barcelona, they tap into your inner hero, creating magical pieces of “heART” from your upcycled clothing that are uniquely you.