Here’s how to declutter your workspace in just seven minutes… but I want to do this one in a slightly different way. Instead of talking about theory, I want to make this a working episode, meaning in the next seven minutes, you and I are going to declutter our offices together. By the end of this episode, you’ll have made progress on refreshing your space and ultimately, feel proud that you did the thing.
It’s time to do the thing and declutter your workspace.
Ok, so here’s how this is going to work… you’ll need to gather a few basic supplies and be ready to take action.
Here are the supplies you need:
- Wet wipes or some cleaning spray and paper towels
- Post-it® notes and a pen
- Trash bin
And if you don’t have those things, no biggie… just improvise. Don’t let this stop you from doing the thing.
Ok, using your Post-it® notes, create four piles:
- Keep and file
- Recycle or trash
- To do this week
- To do next week
Press “pause,” write out those four categories and place them in the four different corners of your work space. Once you’ve done that, hit “play” and then we can get started.
Alright, ready to go? Awesome. I’m going to set a 7-minute timer for us… starting now. Just listen to my voice and get ‘err done!
Big things to tackle:
- Take everything off your desk… make space.
- Sort through the stacks of paper, mail and/or bills. What can you file away? What can you recycle?
- Are there things that don’t belong here? Put them back in their spot (dishes, hoodies, bags, etc).
- Take time to dust all surfaces, wiping down your desk, your electronics, and screens.
Okay, how was that for you? Did you make some progress on your workspace? Were you able to declutter things even just a little bit? Also, did you find that the accountability of having a buddy doing it alongside you was a helpful motivator?? I know that helps me take action on things that I’m procrastinating on.
So, well done on decluttering your workspace! It’s amazing what you can accomplish in seven minutes like that. Feel free to do it over and over again if you need a longer session.
And let me know if you like this experimental format of The Simplifiers Podcast… if you guys dig this, I’ll make more #dothething style episodes in the future and sprinkle them in. That way, we can do the things together that you are procrastinating on and pushing to the bottom of your to-do list… I think this is a great way to get motivated, take action, and feel like a badass just by simplifying them down and actually getting them done!
You can do this, I believe in you.
It’s time to SIMPLIFY.
If this thought of the day inspired you...
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This month, we are focused on the theme of “Refresh,” helping you to bring a new energy and make positive changes in your work or life. You have the power to create the life you really want to live, if only you simply remembered what’s possible… and made Bold Asks for what you need, want, and desire. Today is a fresh start and a new beginning. Your 1000 daily choices is how you get there. We will explore what that means on every level this month, both personally and professionally.
As always, please reach out, especially if you’ve got specific ideas or questions that you’d like us to cover on the podcast. DM me on LinkedIn at @thesimplifiers and let’s spark a conversation.
Thank you!
Show credits: Suzen Marie, our Podcast Editor and Jeffrey Lynn, our Video Editor. Aubri Williams, Chris Justice, and George Mills, our advisory board. And I’m your host, Mary Baird. Big love to Dennis Coleman, Kristen Kurtis and the team at Goodboy Creative, as well. Thank you so much for listening and telling your peeps about us.
As always friends, keep things simple.